to edit this sound from 3 girls 1 mic i had to change the sounds of how loud & quiet of how the sound will be. then i fitted in the music so it could play in the background, i also had to split parts of the recording to make the whole thing sound a bit more professional .
Monday, 19 December 2011
Monday, 5 December 2011
Katy Perry & Russell Brand’s wedding. (200 Words)
Katy Perry & Russell Brand’s wedding.
Gate Crashing Tiger!!!
At the wedding of Russell Brand and Katy Perry the unbelievable happened. A room filled with 85 guests of the newlywed’s families and friends all was okay. But on the other side of the ceremony a man eating tiger attracted to the bright lights and loud noises of the wedding started to jump over walls to get closer to the attraction. Finally before the tiger could get any closer to the newly wed and their party guest, the guards chased the tiger away making sure he never came back.
The Purrrfect Wedding Gift!
As tigers come and go this one is a keeper. Brand gets he’s newly wedded wife a big cat, a female Bengal tiger. Since Perry already had a domestic house cat she left the tiger back in India but all the money was used for she will be funded for a big cat foundation.
Yes Or No??
Is the newlywed selling their wedding photos? As to the couple they both have a different mindset on what to do with them. Katy tells us that she will be selling the wedding photos to a big selling British magazine company OK! But Russell’s representative tells the New York times no, that they will not be selling them. So Mr & Mrs Brand What will it be?
Katy Perry & Russell Brand’s wedding.( 100 words,Cut Down Version)
Katy Perry & Russell Brand’s wedding.
Gate Crashing Tiger!!!
At the wedding of Russell Brand and Katy Perry the unbelievable happened. A room filled with 85 guests of the newlywed’s families and friends all was okay. But on the other side of the ceremony a man eating tiger attracted to the bright lights and loud noises of the wedding started to jump over walls to get closer to the attraction. Finally before the tiger could get any closer to the newly wed and their party guest, the guards chased the tiger away making sure he never came back. So in the end everything went back to normal and no one was hurt. Thank God!
Friday, 2 December 2011
Monday, 28 November 2011
Pop Magazine mood Board
to make this mood board i had to think about what will go into making this and what colour i would use. for the pop music i had to think about what music artis do pop music and use some images on that topic & the reason fo this is beacause the way i see pop music is kind of colourful but yet calm.
Friday, 25 November 2011
Media Evaluation
1. The skills that I developed by doing these tasks were how to make my own magazine cover by using Photoshop. This came with me developing my skills for masking, alignment, rulers & cover lines. I also developed other skills with using in design how to make a path around the picture, to make a three column layout and to text wrap, but t with my writing copy the skills I need were already there but they were developed because I needed to write a copy in my own words about Katy Perry’s wedding & Kim Kardashian Divorce, it was all about the formatting, the type of words I used to explain things and how I put them out. Except for the script writing and story board I needed to learn about camera movements and how a script is wrote it took me some time because of the way it was produced and because I was not used to the way they were laid out but in the end I got used to it.
2. The task that I enjoyed most was the script writing because you got to make the story into your own even though the scenario was given to you and you got to make it much more creative and sometimes I would get carried away into writing the story I also liked making our own magazine cover because you got to but whichever celebrity you like and you got to add whatever cover lines you wanted but they had to be suitable.
3. The skills I think I am best at is masking images because its quite easy to do and it’s much more fun I also think that the other skill I am best at is writing scripts because you can get very creative in writing the story also it fun as well as coming up with the story.
4. I think that by using these skills I have learnt now I can develop them and in the future it could get even better which will allow me to earn a higher grade, and also I would know how to overcome a problem if something bad happened in the work.
5. I think the skills I need to get better at is alignment and cover lines because in my work sometimes the cover lines are on the celebrities face when it’s not suppose to be there and to use the right alignment because it’s important that everything is aligned to the right or left of the page.
6. To get better at these skills I think I have to use the right alignment and by doing this I have to make sure that after I finish my work the words or either at the right or left side of the page because the work wouldn’t look right if all of the word were stuck in the middle of the magazine covering the celebrities face it just wouldn’t look right and for the cover lines I either need to make them close together, bolder or a little bit skinny because they take up a lot of space and to also try and keep them off the celebrities face .
Thursday, 24 November 2011
Story Board
To make this story board we had to use are script that we wrote a week ago & use it to create the story borad. mine was about a crazy cab man who dirves the girls the wrong way and end up in a abandoned ware house.i also used the different camera shots that i learned to show how the camera would move when filming.
Monday, 14 November 2011
Evil Cab Man
Yes Ma’ma may I help you
Yes may I have a cab to drop me and my friend to a party on Philly Street?
Yes, the cab would be here soon
Thank you.
(The girls wait outside for the cab until it came.)
Hey tor I think the cab is here
Yeah man, let’s go to party
(Once in the cab the girls didn’t hear what the office man was saying)
(But it was too late the girls were gone)
As the cab man was driving he missed the street that the girls were suppose to get off at
Ummm... excuse me do you know where we’re going?
(Says nothing)
HELLO! Can’t you hear her talking to you?
(Looks in the mirror at them and then the doors suddenly lock)
(Laughs nervously) the doors are locked, could you unlock them please?
Tori I don’t like the look of things
Me neither
(The cab man closed the window separating him from listening to the girls)
(Cloudy smoke fills the back of the cab)
Hey I can’t breathe the smoke is chocking me
Open the windows, I can breathe
The girls pass out and get dropped in an abandoned warehouse were they meet to other girls.
(Wakes up groggy) where are we
I don’t know but I can tell u one thing
We missed the MINDLESS BEHAVIOR CONCERT, all my money wasted for your stupid birthday and guess what we get kidnapped!
Shay, please just shut up
What ever...
SHAY sees a figure moving
Tori can you see that
See what??
That! (Points to the 2 figures)
The figure walks towards the girls
Umm hi who are you
Figure 2
(steps into the light with figure 1)
Wait your Ray Ray from MB
And your prodigy, wait what are you two doing here
It’s not only us
(2 more boys step out of the shadows)
Princeton and Roc Royal, how did you get here?
We got kidnapped to.
It happened so quickly
Do you know what’s going to happen to us
Sadly, no
The cab man steps in to the area with a bloody knife in his hand.
Whose first (Evil smile).....
Monday, 7 November 2011
Thursday, 20 October 2011
Fashion Frame

3 column Lay out
This is my 3 column layout. To make this i had to open a new A4 document with 3 columns, then put the text wrap box in each column and then another one in the top left hand corner so i could paste the Mindless Behavior picture. Once the text wrap boxes were add i also added rulers to line up the text so the would not spill out of place, then after that i added my picture in the left hand corner and also by putting a text box for the words i added the text by filling it with place holder text.
Gaga layout
This is my lady Gaga Page layout. to make this on indesign i had to open an A4 document, and add 3 column on to the page. in the middle column i put a text wrap box so i could paste the Picture. Once i pasted the picture i i added text into my 3 columns then i used the pathway tool to make a path around the gaga picture so then the words around the picture would mould into place.
Vibe Magazine Cover.
This is My Rhianna Vibe magazine make it i had to firstly open a new A4 document and inserted the rhianna picture, then i masked around it to make sure it looked neat in the finished design. omce masking the photo i flipped it so the picture could be the other way, after that i had to change the filter to black and white. When that was done i added bold text and a blue background so it could give it a finishing look.
Thursday, 29 September 2011
Nicki Minaj Magazine Cover
This is my Nicki Minaj 'Passion' magazine cover. to make this wonderful cover i used photoshop, this helped me to produce one picture into this actually make this i had to go through various steps, such as masking the picture, adding rulers, text and different font to suite the celebrity and different colour to go with the picture. i also had to make sure that the text fitted inside of the rulers and not going over them. with all of the time and work i made this cover.
Monday, 19 September 2011
Kayne West
This is my Kayne West magazine cover. i used Photoshop to make this. First of all i had to mask the kayne west picture so i could cut it out from the background. Then added the Masthead, once that was all done i the put in other text and headings.
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