Monday 5 December 2011

Katy Perry & Russell Brand’s wedding. (200 Words)

Katy Perry & Russell Brand’s wedding.
Gate Crashing Tiger!!!
At the wedding of Russell Brand and Katy Perry the unbelievable happened. A room filled with 85 guests of the newlywed’s families and friends all was okay. But on the other side of the ceremony a man eating tiger attracted to the bright lights and loud noises of the wedding started to jump over walls to get closer to the attraction. Finally before the tiger could get any closer to the newly wed and their party guest, the guards chased the tiger away making sure he never came back.
The Purrrfect Wedding Gift!
As tigers come and go this one is a keeper. Brand gets he’s newly wedded wife a big cat, a female Bengal tiger. Since Perry already had a domestic house cat she left the tiger back in India but all the money was used for she will be funded for a big cat foundation.
Yes Or No??
Is the newlywed selling their wedding photos? As to the couple they both have a different mindset on what to do with them. Katy tells us that she will be selling the wedding photos to a big selling British magazine company OK! But Russell’s representative tells the New York times no, that they will not be selling them. So Mr & Mrs Brand What will it be?


  1. Awesome day i think, because there is everywhere guests and have fun all the time. Great

  2. Merit
    You have done a good job of taking the main information and turning it into an article.

    Be sure to read your article after you have written it to see that it makes sense. There are some sentences that could do with some attention. Can you find them?

    Mr Monahan
